Frequently Asked Questions

Musical Collections

  • How many names do you offer?
    Well, we've got a bunch – currently there are over 900 girl's names and 500 boy's names available in My SONGS®, and 1000 names for boys and girls in MORE My Songs®, Hello Dreamland and Happy Boogie BirthdayTM.
  • Why don't you have more names than you do?
    We add more whenever we can.  But we've only got one Mary and one Michael, and we've got to make sure we don't use them up!  Remember that each name means hours of studio time to record and mix the new names into an album, and we've got over four thousand albums out right now!  (Even the Beatles only did about fifteen.)


  • Can I write to Mary and Michael?
    Absolutely!   You can send email to both:

                Mary Donnelly Haskell  or

                Michael Reno

    – And if you want to write a real snail mail paper letter, send it to either

    Mary Donnelly Haskell    –or–    Michael Reno
    c/o My Songs
    11901 Santa Monica Blvd. #306
    Los Angeles, CA 90025
  • What are you working on now?
    Good question – right now the next My Songs project is not yet determined.  Both Mary and Michael are busy entertainment professionals.  When they have a chance to sit and catch their respective breaths, we'll see what comes up ... and give you the news right here.  Mary has three of her own albums out:  "Inspired," an album of Christian music, "The Power of the Cross.", and a holiday album, "Just In Time For Christmas."  She's also very active in charitable endeavors.  Michael's heart is in theater, although he also does music for TV and film.  He's even gone international, having taken theatrical productions all over the U.S. and Canada, as well as Europe and China.


  • Why does text run over the pictures?
    That's part of being mobile-friendly. The width of columns changes automatically. Just widen your browser and it should look fine.

Download Problems

  • Why can I only download one song?
    More than likely your device has a security setting which only allows downloading one file at a time.  You can do research to see how to change your device's settings, but the simplest thing may be just to contact us so we can set up a separate download for you!